Tag Archives: soju

Dan Diary, Day 4 – Gizzi Erskine, ZenKimchi and Soju Bombs

Day 4

I’m not even mentioning breakfast this morning.  It was the same as day 2.  Getting boring now.

However, lunch?  Last night, I had the privilege of having the best Japanese dinner ever.  Seriously.  Better than anything I’ve had in London bar none.  Today?  I had the best Japanese lunch ever.  Check out the pics for yourself!!!

lunch1 lunch2

The presentation, the food……oh god, amazing food.  Totally obscene, and I got carried away with the other courses that I forgot to take pictures of, such was my sheer delight in my consumption of the soba noodles and spicy fish soup.

And then onto dinner.  Well, Gizzi Erskine landed in Korea this afternoon (see photo of Jik Kim, her Korean bro, who picked her up), and whilst sitting with Joe of www.zenkimchi.com and his friend Sue, we frantically searched for the ideal dinner to welcome Gizzi. Boom, Sue has a bright idea.  Let’s eat at Chez Maak, the famous Makkeoli and Korean fusion restaurant.  Course after course of Korean fusion food landed on our table as we all tucked in to copious amounts of Makkeoli, followed by the bright idea from Jik to drink a bottle of “Condition” which prevents hangovers.


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

Check out @gizzierskine on Instagram and Twitter for the full lowdown!  Great company, great food, lots of makkeoli.  Including getting a free bottle of “premium” makkeoli after Sue mentions to the restaurant staff that we’re sat with a famous British chef!!!


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

So, after eating and drinking, onto “ee cha”, which in Korean, means 2nd stage.  So, what does this entail?  Going to a Korean pub called “Memory of One Shot”!!!!

The Soju Bomb Golf Shot?  This involved Jik lining up soju shots on top of beer glasses, and knocking them all into the beer glasses with one golf swing!!!  That certainly went down a treat!


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

Eating loads more, such as Korean Fried Chicken, Stuffed Chillies, and Deep-Fried Squid?  Oh yes.  More food, but incredibly tasty fried food.  I think Gizzi has some big ideas when she comes back to London!!!  Just check out her Instagram.


And finishing off a giant pitcher of Korean beer.  Lucky I drank some “condition” or I might not make it tomorrow morning!

So, onto tomorrow.  Gizzi has landed.  Jik has shone through with Korean hospitality!  And I’m hoping to wake up without a hangover.  Day 4 is complete.  Can’t wait for Day 5.

26 Alcoholics in Korea File Lawsuit against Soju Makers

According to The Korea Observer this morning, 26 alcoholics in Korea have filed a lawsuit against two leading soju companies for “failure to warn about the dangers of drinking alcohol,” requesting 2.1 billion won in compensation (£1,250,793). 

Korean alcohol companies invest hugely in massive advertising campaigns, working with K Pop and K Drama stars to promote their drinks – and Korea is known to be one of the biggest drinking nations in the world. 

However, the plaintiffs complain that little is done to warn against the dangers of alcohol, and blame the lack of warning labels on the soju bottles as their reason for becoming alcoholics.

One plaintiff is quoted as saying: “Liquor companies carry out massive advertisement campaigns, but their warning labels on liquor bottles are too small to read.”

Do you think they’re right to file a law suit? Comment below!