Tag Archives: Gizzi Erskine

Dan’s Diary, The Last Day – Italian food in the French Quarter, Ko-Mex Tacos and Sad Goodbyes

Day 10

It’s drawing to a close, and I’ll miss Korea, not least of all because I have found so many culinary delights on this trip, far more than ever before.  I’ll miss old friends, new friends, and take away lots of positives for Korea Foods UK.  In truth, it’s been one of my favourite trips out to Korea, but as always, I’ll be looking forward to touching down in Heathrow.  My only culinary delights left will be a breakfast at the hotel, followed by airplane food, so I doubt I’ll have too much to say on that.

Anyway, today’s feast was Italian.  The last time I ate proper Italian in Korea, it was a pretty embarrassing experience.  It was like a Korean impression of what they “thought” Italian should taste like, with no care for what Italian “actually” tastes like.  Out with Jeremy from Lion TV, Gizzi Erskine, Adam Hobbs (www.adamhobbs.tv – you have to check out the quality of this guy’s work), Sue Ahn, and my cousin Joe, we lunched out in style in the “French Quarter” of Seoul.

Our party had decided to order a variety of dishes, so we could share a bit of each dish between us all.  The starter was this gorgonzola pastry dish that took us all aback.  It looked messy, it was messy, but tasted amazing.  The gorgonzola didn’t overpower it, and the pastry was super-light and crispy.


This was followed by a citrus salad that had a gungey glutinous rice base that was out of this world.


The pasta dishes were inventive or simply well-cooked pasta that was full of flavour.  My fave was this Korean inspired Pollack Pasta with a raw yolk that you had to mix into the pasta that was nothing like I’ve had before.

3Although the mushroom parpadele was mighty fine too, and erm, so was the chorizo penne…


Despite my initial fears, my confidence in Seoul producing good food has increased massively and the choice is way more than ever before.

On to Vatos (my second visit of this tour) and this place seriously kicks ass.  We were joined by Joe from www.zenkimchi.com, a true purveyor of great Korean food in Seoul, and Gemma from the UK (fatgirlsfoodguide on Instagram) who had lived in Seoul for 6 years.  As I am told, the kimchi carnitas fries are seriously out of this world, and no joke, they were.  Seasoned French fries covered with braised pork carnitas, sautéed kimchi, melted cheese and topped with sour cream, Vatos hot sauce, cilantro and onion.



Oh, and chilli shrimp tacos, and honey tequila wings.  I need these in London!!!!!  We all need a Vatos London!  A simply awesome take on Korean Mexican food.  http://vatoskorea.com/en


It can take a while to get seated if you go at peak time, but if you are in Itaewon in Seoul at any time, just visit this place.  Quite simply, you’d be insane not to.

The whole Korea trip has been insane and inspirational from a foodie perspective.  From traditional Korean food, to modern twists on Korean food, to fusion and then some outright great international food, Seoul has changed so much.  Considering where the food scene in Seoul was even just a few years ago, the standards are getting higher, it’s becoming more inventive, and it’s just so good.  Whilst the scene in London is far more mature, I truly think  the Korean food scene in London could be inspired further by what is happening out in Seoul and I look forward to getting back out there again to eat my way through Seoul again.

Just need to mentally prepare myself for the gym when I get back to London!!!

Dan’s Diary, Day 7 – Filming with Gizzi Erskine and Really Great Fried Chicken

Day 7:

As I have said before, eating my around Seoul is not exclusively about Korean food.  Increasingly like London and other major cities, Seoul has really started to diversify into being a mecca for good alternative food, and this is what led me to finding a particular burger joint in “Little France” quarter of Seoul called “Napkin Please”.  There was a small array of burger selections, but the one that caught my eye was the highly recommended Sloppy Joe’s something not that familiar back in London.  This all-American classic was just precisely what I wanted.

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A true sloppy mix of ground beef, onions, and a tomato sauce, on a bun, served with shoestring fried lathered in chilli beef, melted cheese, and chillies.  I can see why this place is called “Napkin Please”.  Eating it with hands was an impossibility!  Of course, this was washed down by an ice cold Coke (what else?) and made for a decent lunch.  Loved it.  Although not particularly French, even though we were in the French Quarter!!!

So, onto the next part of the day, and onwards I went to a place called Mapo-Dong, where we caught up with Gizzi Erskine filming at the Suh Suh Galbi House, where the idea is you stand and eat in what was, frankly, a Spartan-like surrounding, where the emphasis was on food, i.e. the Barbecue.


Taking what looked like a large oil drum, where there was a bucket of a type of Korean charcoal absolutely blazing out some heat, the food gets cooked and you stand around eating Korean Beef Ribs.  Bear in mind that there was an hour long queue to get in, and the restaurant was filled with different types of people from every walk of life.  This was how Koreans really eat!


Filming this with Gizzi was great fun, where we managed to wash down the galbi with plenty of Somek (Soju with Beer) and had a great time with the crew, especially catching up with old buddies like MJ, Adam Hobbs (the most talented cameraman I’ve ever seen – www.adamhobbs.tv) and Nils Clauss, who works closely in collaboration with Adam.


There are far better photos of the BBQ on Gizzi’s Instagram @gizzierskine and with Gizzi receiving a “Selfie Stick” as a present, there are some awesome selfies on her Instagram too! Funniest moment was watching Jik Kim, my “little bro” here in Korea, totally clam up during the interviews with Gizzi, despite being a bit of a motormouth when relaxed!

So, were we going to stop there?  Hell no!  Onwards we went to a Lounge in Itaewon, where Jik and I seemed to be the only fellas in the whole lounge.  Cocktails ensued, with a stack of Onion Rings to accompany the food…


But alas, Gizzi has been very professional and decided on heading back to the hotel to complete some work to meet her deadlines.  However, I was still a bit peckish, so we finished off some Mango Patbingsu, one of my favourite desserts ever.


Patbingsu is basically red beans with shaved ice and condensed sweetened milk, and you can add toppings to it, like ice-cream and other fruit.  But the night was early, so we discovered that Judy Joo was over at Kkanbu Chicken Restaurant, and a Korean fave of Korean Fried Chicken and Beer ensued as Judy and her chefs from Jinjuu London tested out the various types of Korean Fried Chicken.


So, quite a feast really!  A fantastic mix of different food experienced today.  Filming was great fun too.  And watching Gizzi experience the “Selfie Stick” provided a lot of laughs.

Sunday is a day for rest.  I am also in serious need of sleep.

Dan Diary, Day 4 – Gizzi Erskine, ZenKimchi and Soju Bombs

Day 4

I’m not even mentioning breakfast this morning.  It was the same as day 2.  Getting boring now.

However, lunch?  Last night, I had the privilege of having the best Japanese dinner ever.  Seriously.  Better than anything I’ve had in London bar none.  Today?  I had the best Japanese lunch ever.  Check out the pics for yourself!!!

lunch1 lunch2

The presentation, the food……oh god, amazing food.  Totally obscene, and I got carried away with the other courses that I forgot to take pictures of, such was my sheer delight in my consumption of the soba noodles and spicy fish soup.

And then onto dinner.  Well, Gizzi Erskine landed in Korea this afternoon (see photo of Jik Kim, her Korean bro, who picked her up), and whilst sitting with Joe of www.zenkimchi.com and his friend Sue, we frantically searched for the ideal dinner to welcome Gizzi. Boom, Sue has a bright idea.  Let’s eat at Chez Maak, the famous Makkeoli and Korean fusion restaurant.  Course after course of Korean fusion food landed on our table as we all tucked in to copious amounts of Makkeoli, followed by the bright idea from Jik to drink a bottle of “Condition” which prevents hangovers.


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

Check out @gizzierskine on Instagram and Twitter for the full lowdown!  Great company, great food, lots of makkeoli.  Including getting a free bottle of “premium” makkeoli after Sue mentions to the restaurant staff that we’re sat with a famous British chef!!!


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

So, after eating and drinking, onto “ee cha”, which in Korean, means 2nd stage.  So, what does this entail?  Going to a Korean pub called “Memory of One Shot”!!!!

The Soju Bomb Golf Shot?  This involved Jik lining up soju shots on top of beer glasses, and knocking them all into the beer glasses with one golf swing!!!  That certainly went down a treat!


Pic via Gizzi Erskine

Eating loads more, such as Korean Fried Chicken, Stuffed Chillies, and Deep-Fried Squid?  Oh yes.  More food, but incredibly tasty fried food.  I think Gizzi has some big ideas when she comes back to London!!!  Just check out her Instagram.


And finishing off a giant pitcher of Korean beer.  Lucky I drank some “condition” or I might not make it tomorrow morning!

So, onto tomorrow.  Gizzi has landed.  Jik has shone through with Korean hospitality!  And I’m hoping to wake up without a hangover.  Day 4 is complete.  Can’t wait for Day 5.

Gizzi Erskine’s Awesome Korean Fried Chicken

Ever wondered how to make Gizzi Erskine’s FAMOUS Korean Fried Chicken?

For the first time ever, she reveals all on Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube with DJ BBQ.

You’ll need:

  • 8 chicken wings cut in half
  • 200ml butter milk
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 4 tbsp self raising flour2 tbsp potato flour
  • 2 tbsp rice flour
  • white pepper
  • oil for frying
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tbsp sriracha
  • 2 heaped tbsp gochujang
  • 4 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 4 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 spring onions
  • sesame seeds for garnish

For how to make the Korean Fried Chicken wings, watch the video below:

Gizzi Erskine’s Awesome Korean Fried Chicken

Ever wondered how to make Gizzi Erskine’s FAMOUS Korean Fried Chicken?

For the first time ever, she reveals all on Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube with DJ BBQ.

You’ll need:

  • 8 chicken wings cut in half
  • 200ml butter milk
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 4 tbsp self raising flour2 tbsp potato flour
  • 2 tbsp rice flour
  • white pepper
  • oil for frying
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tbsp sriracha
  • 2 heaped tbsp gochujang
  • 4 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 4 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 spring onions
  • sesame seeds for garnish

For how to make the Korean Fried Chicken wings, watch the video below:


Will you be trying out this recipe? How do you make your KFC?